An engineered landfill site allows final disposal of solid waste in a secure manner by minimizing the impacts on the environment. The design of the landfill site proposed by the Cintec Group uses leading-edge technology and the materials used for the construction of the cells have proven their long-term stability.

The waste is spread out in a thin layer in the waterproof cells where they are leveled, compacted and covered periodically with soil or another inert material. Ditches all around the site deviate the surface water before it comes in contact with the waste. As for rainwater that infiltrates itself into the waste, it gets mixed with contaminants and increases leachate, which is collected at the bottom of the cells and is sent to the lagoons for treatment. After a few years, the degradation of the biodegradable part in waste produces landfill gas. This gas is captured by a network of wells installed all over the site and is burned or converted into energy.

Once their final capacity is attained, we proceed with the closure of the cells by installing a cover that will favour the growth of vegetation. During the operation and after the closure of the cells, an environmental follow-up program is put in place in order to verify the quality of the surface and underground water, the quality of the air, the noise level and the efficiency of the systems for leachate treatment and landfill gas control.